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  1. When Saying "Sorry" Isn't Enough: Is Some Suicidal Behavior a Costly Signal of Apology?Syme, Kristen L. - Human Nature, 2018 - 4 Hypotheses

    Researchers coded 473 texts from 53 cultures on suicidal behavior in the Probability Sample Files looking for evidence to support a new theoretical framework called the Costly Apology Model (signaling "I am genuinely remorseful for my actions, and you can trust that I will not do it again," (7)) to explain suicidal behavior that occurs after someone violates one or more social norms. This is theorized to be distinct behavior from the Bargaining Model (signaling "My fitness is genuinely being threatened, and I need your support." (7)) which could explain suicidal behavior after someone suffers harm from another, and from the Inclusive Fitness Model, where suicide occurs as a fitness behavior when an individual cannot reproduce or has a high cost to the fitness of their kin. .

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  2. Suicide and mutilation behaviors in non-literate societiesLester, David - Psychological Reports, 1971 - 1 Hypotheses

    This paper tests for a relationship between practices of mutilation and self-torture and the incidence of suicidal behavior in preindustrial, nonliterate societies. Several hypotheses are tested but none supported.

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  3. The incidence of suicide and the fear of the dead in non-literate societiesLester, David - Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1971 - 1 Hypotheses

    This study tests for an association between suicide rates and cultural fear of the dead. Tests do not support a significant relationship.

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  4. Social development and suicideKrauss, Herbert H. - Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1970 - 1 Hypotheses

    This study examines the relationship between social complexity and frequency of suicide. Empirical analysis suggests a positive association between these variables. The author discusses the usefulness of Durkheimian and thwarting disorientation theories in interpreting the findings.

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  5. Thwarting disorientation and suicideNaroll, Raoul - , 1963 - 1 Hypotheses

    This article reviews sociological and psychological explanations of suicide, focusing on a thwarting disorientation theory. This theory posits that a person who commits suicide is likely to have lost social ties and perceived someone to blame for that loss. The author examines seven cultural traits (wife-beating, marriage restrictions, divorce freedom, witchcraft accusation, drunken brawling, defiant homicide, and frequent warfare) that can cause thwarting disorientation.

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  6. A cross-cultural note on durkheim's theory of suicideRootman, Irving - Life-Threatening Behavior, 1973 - 1 Hypotheses

    Rootman tests a formulation of Durkheim's (1897) theory of suicide. Independent variables include the amount a society, group, or social condition is integrated or regulated.

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  7. Suicide, homicide, and the effects of socializationLester, David - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1967 - 1 Hypotheses

    This study tests for an association between displays of aggression and socialization techniques in preindustrial societies. Analysis suggests there is no relationship between discipline techniques and homicidal or suicidal behavior.

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  8. The fear of death in primitive societiesLester, David - Science Research, 1975 - 3 Hypotheses

    This study tests for potential correlates of the fear of death in non-literate societies. Significant associations were found between the use of love-oriented techniques for punishment and a fear of death and a high need to achieve and a fear of death.

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  9. Cross-cultural study of the thwarting disorientation theory of suicideKrauss, Herbert H. - Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1968 - 5 Hypotheses

    Authors suggest that suicide is more likely to occur in contexts where an individual's social ties are threatened, weakened, or broken, causing social dislocation (thwarting-disorientation contexts). Results support this hypothesis.

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  10. Social integration and suicide: a test of durkheim's theoryMasumura, Wilfred T. - Behavior Science Research, 1977 - 3 Hypotheses

    This study reexamines Durkheim’s theory of social integration and suicide and tests for an association in a cross-cultural sample of pre-literate societies. Contrary to Durkheim’s theory, the author finds that suicide varies inversely with both social and religious integration. Results also suggested that suicide is negatively associated with a society’s ritual activity. Overall it is suggested that alienated persons in highly integrated societies will be at a greater risk of suicide than those in less integrated societies.

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