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  1. There will be an association between polygyny and ancestor worship. Societies that have a higher occurrence of polygyny will be more likely to practice ancestor worship than those with a lower occurrence or absence of polygyny.Sheils, Dean - Toward a Unified Theory of Ancestor Worship: A Cross-Cultural Study, 1975 - 2 Variables

    Based on prior findings, the present study tests the theory that subsistence type, specifically agricultural level, influences descent type, conjugal formation, and marriage type. All three of the latter variables are predicted to be antecedents of ancestor worship. The author claims support for the theory.

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  2. 14) Reincarnation beliefs are positively associated with the belief that a spiritual dimension produces the human bodyMatlock, James Graham - A cross-cultural study of reincarnation ideologies and their social correlates, 1993 - 2 Variables

    This dissertation discusses the divided theoretical approach to how reincarnation, animism, spirits, and general religious beliefs occur within societies cross-culturally. Matlock offers evidence to support Tyler, contradicting the generally accepted Durkheimian approach, arguing that the belief about souls and spirits may originate in dreams and other empirical experiences, in turn informing and shaping social organization. Durkheim argued the opposite, claiming that religious beliefs reflect social organization such as the clan and kinship. The author states 33 quantitative hypotheses to be tested using 30 of the first 60 sample societies available in the HRAF Probability Sample.

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  3. ". . . the efficacy of agricultural technology is directly related to a society's evolutionary level" (179)Sheils, Howard Dean - The importance of agriculture from the perspective of neoevolutionary theory, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This article posits a theory of social evolution based on agriculture. The author suggests that a society’s energy source, type of tool materials, and systems of agriculture constitute a variable cluster, and that they are associated with societal scale, economic differentiation, and mode of political integration. Empirical analysis supports this neoevolutionary theory of agriculture.

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  4. There will be an association between agricultural level and ancestor worship.Sheils, Dean - Toward a Unified Theory of Ancestor Worship: A Cross-Cultural Study, 1975 - 2 Variables

    Based on prior findings, the present study tests the theory that subsistence type, specifically agricultural level, influences descent type, conjugal formation, and marriage type. All three of the latter variables are predicted to be antecedents of ancestor worship. The author claims support for the theory.

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  5. There will be an association between descent type and ancestor worship. Unilineal descent will be more likely to practice ancestor worship than cognatic descent.Sheils, Dean - Toward a Unified Theory of Ancestor Worship: A Cross-Cultural Study, 1975 - 2 Variables

    Based on prior findings, the present study tests the theory that subsistence type, specifically agricultural level, influences descent type, conjugal formation, and marriage type. All three of the latter variables are predicted to be antecedents of ancestor worship. The author claims support for the theory.

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  6. There will be an association between conjugal formation and ancestor worship. Societies with more complex conjugal formation will be more likely to practice ancestor worship.Sheils, Dean - Toward a Unified Theory of Ancestor Worship: A Cross-Cultural Study, 1975 - 2 Variables

    Based on prior findings, the present study tests the theory that subsistence type, specifically agricultural level, influences descent type, conjugal formation, and marriage type. All three of the latter variables are predicted to be antecedents of ancestor worship. The author claims support for the theory.

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  7. There will be an association between agricultural level and descent type. Cognatic descent will be more customary among hunter-gatherers and advanced agrarians than amid simple agrarians and simple and advanced horticulturalists.Sheils, Dean - Toward a Unified Theory of Ancestor Worship: A Cross-Cultural Study, 1975 - 2 Variables

    Based on prior findings, the present study tests the theory that subsistence type, specifically agricultural level, influences descent type, conjugal formation, and marriage type. All three of the latter variables are predicted to be antecedents of ancestor worship. The author claims support for the theory.

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  8. There will be an association between agricultural level and conjugal formation. Advanced horticulturalists will have more complex conjugal formation than hunter-gatherers, simple horticulturalists, simple agrarians, and advanced agrarians.Sheils, Dean - Toward a Unified Theory of Ancestor Worship: A Cross-Cultural Study, 1975 - 2 Variables

    Based on prior findings, the present study tests the theory that subsistence type, specifically agricultural level, influences descent type, conjugal formation, and marriage type. All three of the latter variables are predicted to be antecedents of ancestor worship. The author claims support for the theory.

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  9. There will be an association between agricultural level and polygyny. The incidence of polygyny will be most common amid simple agrarians, simple horticulturalists, and advanced horticulturalists than among hunter-gatherers and advanced agrarians.Sheils, Dean - Toward a Unified Theory of Ancestor Worship: A Cross-Cultural Study, 1975 - 2 Variables

    Based on prior findings, the present study tests the theory that subsistence type, specifically agricultural level, influences descent type, conjugal formation, and marriage type. All three of the latter variables are predicted to be antecedents of ancestor worship. The author claims support for the theory.

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  10. 15) Reincarnation beliefs are positively associated with the belief that conception is related to physical proximity and touching of deceased's objects/locations.Matlock, James Graham - A cross-cultural study of reincarnation ideologies and their social correlates, 1993 - 0 Variables

    This dissertation discusses the divided theoretical approach to how reincarnation, animism, spirits, and general religious beliefs occur within societies cross-culturally. Matlock offers evidence to support Tyler, contradicting the generally accepted Durkheimian approach, arguing that the belief about souls and spirits may originate in dreams and other empirical experiences, in turn informing and shaping social organization. Durkheim argued the opposite, claiming that religious beliefs reflect social organization such as the clan and kinship. The author states 33 quantitative hypotheses to be tested using 30 of the first 60 sample societies available in the HRAF Probability Sample.

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