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  1. Minor control hierarchy positions should fall somewhere in between the upper and lower social strata (230)Moore, B., Jr. - The relation between social stratification and social control, 1942 - 2 Variables

    This article explores the relationship between social stratification and control hierarchies, defined as "command-obedience relationships" within economic, political, religious, military, and familial institutions. Results indicate a positive association.

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  2. "The presence or absence of social stratification in any society is related to the number and importance of control hierarchies in the society. . . . Stratified societies should contain more control hierarchies than the unstratified ones" (230, 240)Moore, B., Jr. - The relation between social stratification and social control, 1942 - 2 Variables

    This article explores the relationship between social stratification and control hierarchies, defined as "command-obedience relationships" within economic, political, religious, military, and familial institutions. Results indicate a positive association.

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  3. Women in societies with higher female status will be less likely to prefer partners with resources and more likely to prefer physically attractive partners than women in societies with lower female status (68).Moore, Fhionna R. - Female status predicts female mate preferences across nonindustrial societies, 2007 - 3 Variables

    The effect of female status on women's mate preference in a sample of nonindustrial societies is examined.

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  4. Production determined organizations possess the exact number of authority levels required by the technology. Socially determined organizations possess more levels of authority than technologically necessary, and hence are inefficient (49)Udy, Stanley H., Jr. - Work in traditional and modern society, 1970 - 4 Variables

    Udy divides methods of work organization into 'production determined', 'technologically determined', 'socially determined', and 'pluralistic' types, and examines their prevalence across societies with varying subsistence activities and levels of social and political stratification. Special attention is paid to processes of integration and differentiation and their role in effecting transitions between organization types.

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  5. The prevailing type of social base is related to the state of social development. Familial work organization receives its greatest relative impetus with the advent of sedentary agriculture. Specialized political units receive their greatest impetus with centralized government when they displace familial forms and gain control over resources (41-42)Udy, Stanley H., Jr. - Work in traditional and modern society, 1970 - 2 Variables

    Udy divides methods of work organization into 'production determined', 'technologically determined', 'socially determined', and 'pluralistic' types, and examines their prevalence across societies with varying subsistence activities and levels of social and political stratification. Special attention is paid to processes of integration and differentiation and their role in effecting transitions between organization types.

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  6. "Custodial organization is more likely to occur in more than one type of process in the same society than is contractual organization" (69)Udy, Stanley H., Jr. - Organization of work: a comparative analysis of production among nonindustr..., 1959 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comparative study of the ways in which work is organized among non-industrial societies in the production of material goods. Two general hypotheses guide the author's work: (1) The structure of any work organization is influenced by both techonological processes and social setting, and (2) The structure of any reward system is influenced by the characteristics of the work organization, the social setting, and the limits imposed by features of the technological processes. Several predictions are presented and all are supported.

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  7. "With preindustrial social development comes a progressive decline in the prevalence of production determined work organization, and a progressive increase in the prevalence of socially determined work organization" (35-36)Udy, Stanley H., Jr. - Work in traditional and modern society, 1970 - 2 Variables

    Udy divides methods of work organization into 'production determined', 'technologically determined', 'socially determined', and 'pluralistic' types, and examines their prevalence across societies with varying subsistence activities and levels of social and political stratification. Special attention is paid to processes of integration and differentiation and their role in effecting transitions between organization types.

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  8. Neither corporate businesses nor occupationally based contractual situations exist in preindustrial work to any extent. Such as exist are either occupationally based or at least job specific. The two structural types (characterized as developmental dead ends), 'ascriptive core-ascriptive group employee' and 'mutual associations' do not progress beyond the employer-specific level. The structural form, 'ascriptive employer-individual employee', however, does appear to be developmentally fertile (78)Udy, Stanley H., Jr. - Work in traditional and modern society, 1970 - 2 Variables

    Udy divides methods of work organization into 'production determined', 'technologically determined', 'socially determined', and 'pluralistic' types, and examines their prevalence across societies with varying subsistence activities and levels of social and political stratification. Special attention is paid to processes of integration and differentiation and their role in effecting transitions between organization types.

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  9. "Both the ascriptive group employee type and the mutual association form of contractual work organization do enjoy some advantages of efficiency over both reciprocity and political labor" (71)Udy, Stanley H., Jr. - Work in traditional and modern society, 1970 - 2 Variables

    Udy divides methods of work organization into 'production determined', 'technologically determined', 'socially determined', and 'pluralistic' types, and examines their prevalence across societies with varying subsistence activities and levels of social and political stratification. Special attention is paid to processes of integration and differentiation and their role in effecting transitions between organization types.

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  10. "In balanced reward systems goods in kind are more likely to be distributed in tillage and construction; produce, in hunting, fishing, and collection" (100)Udy, Stanley H., Jr. - Organization of work: a comparative analysis of production among nonindustr..., 1959 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comparative study of the ways in which work is organized among non-industrial societies in the production of material goods. Two general hypotheses guide the author's work: (1) The structure of any work organization is influenced by both techonological processes and social setting, and (2) The structure of any reward system is influenced by the characteristics of the work organization, the social setting, and the limits imposed by features of the technological processes. Several predictions are presented and all are supported.

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