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  1. "Low protein leads to [the disease] kwashiorkor and kwashiorkor to a prolonged postpartum sex taboo to protect the nursing infant from this disease" (520-521)Whiting, John W.M. - Effects of climate on certain cultural practices, 1964 - 3 Variables

    This study explores ecological reasons that might explain why boys are mostly circumcised in tropical regions, particularly in Africa and the insular Pacific. The author postulates a long causal chain linking: 1) tropical climate to the growing of root and fruit crops; 2) the need to keep babies on mother's milk for as long as possible where the adult diet is lacking in protein; 3) a long post-partum sex taboo as a way to space births; 4) the practice of polygyny (and associated mother-child sleeping) in the face of a long sex taboo; 5) patrilocal residence; and 6) male initiation ceremonies which are believed to result from the combination of mother-child sleeping, the long poast-partum sex taboo and patrilocal residence.

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  2. Circumcision occurs frequently in tropical climates. Author shows exclusive mother-infant sleeping arrangements occur in warm climates, while previous studies report a strong association between exclusive mother-infant sleeping arrangements and male circumcision (515)Whiting, John W.M. - Effects of climate on certain cultural practices, 1964 - 2 Variables

    This study explores ecological reasons that might explain why boys are mostly circumcised in tropical regions, particularly in Africa and the insular Pacific. The author postulates a long causal chain linking: 1) tropical climate to the growing of root and fruit crops; 2) the need to keep babies on mother's milk for as long as possible where the adult diet is lacking in protein; 3) a long post-partum sex taboo as a way to space births; 4) the practice of polygyny (and associated mother-child sleeping) in the face of a long sex taboo; 5) patrilocal residence; and 6) male initiation ceremonies which are believed to result from the combination of mother-child sleeping, the long poast-partum sex taboo and patrilocal residence.

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  3. "If a society has a high frequency of polygyny . . . then it is more likely to have patrilocal residence than a society with a lower frequency of polygyny" (516)Whiting, John W.M. - Effects of climate on certain cultural practices, 1964 - 2 Variables

    This study explores ecological reasons that might explain why boys are mostly circumcised in tropical regions, particularly in Africa and the insular Pacific. The author postulates a long causal chain linking: 1) tropical climate to the growing of root and fruit crops; 2) the need to keep babies on mother's milk for as long as possible where the adult diet is lacking in protein; 3) a long post-partum sex taboo as a way to space births; 4) the practice of polygyny (and associated mother-child sleeping) in the face of a long sex taboo; 5) patrilocal residence; and 6) male initiation ceremonies which are believed to result from the combination of mother-child sleeping, the long poast-partum sex taboo and patrilocal residence.

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  4. "Societies characterized by a prolonged postpartum sex taboo also tend to have a high frequency of polygynous marriage" (517)Whiting, John W.M. - Effects of climate on certain cultural practices, 1964 - 2 Variables

    This study explores ecological reasons that might explain why boys are mostly circumcised in tropical regions, particularly in Africa and the insular Pacific. The author postulates a long causal chain linking: 1) tropical climate to the growing of root and fruit crops; 2) the need to keep babies on mother's milk for as long as possible where the adult diet is lacking in protein; 3) a long post-partum sex taboo as a way to space births; 4) the practice of polygyny (and associated mother-child sleeping) in the face of a long sex taboo; 5) patrilocal residence; and 6) male initiation ceremonies which are believed to result from the combination of mother-child sleeping, the long poast-partum sex taboo and patrilocal residence.

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  5. Exclusive mother-son sleeping and a post-partum sex taboo are positively associated with initiation ceremonies at puberty.Whiting, John W.M. - The Function of Male Initiation Ceremonies at Puberty, 1958 - 3 Variables

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  6. Patrilocality, polygyny, postpartum taboo, and exclusive mother-child sleeping arrangements are positively associated with sex segregation practices (243).Paige, Jeffery M. - The politics of reproductive ritual, 1981 - 6 Variables

    This book investigates reproductive rituals in preindustrial societies. Major theories are discussed, and cross-cultural tests of several variables (fraternal interest groups, menarcheal ceremonies, puberty ceremonies, residence, circumcision, birth practices, segregation practices, etc.) are conducted.

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  7. "Societies . . . having child training practices . . . likely to produce . . . satisfaction for sexual behavior [are also likely to have sexual] therapeutic practices" (196)Whiting, John W.M. - Child training and personality: a cross-cultural study, 1953 - 2 Variables

    The authors put forward a theoretical model called "personality integration of culture." At the heart of the model is the idea that psychological processes may help explain why certain aspects of culture are related to other aspects. To test this model they focus on theories and therapies regarding illness and they use psychoanalytic ideas on positive and negative fixation to suggest how differences in child-rearing customs may account for different ideas about the causes of illness. The strongest results relate to socialization anxiety in a particular area of socialization (e.g., oral, dependency, and aggression) amd respective causes of illness. Results regarding negative fixation are generally supported, whereas positive fixation is not.

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  8. Certain infant sleeping practices will be associated with the 10 degree isotherm.Whiting, John W.M. - Winter temperature as a constraint to the migration of preindustrial peoples, 1982 - 2 Variables

    Using a sample of 313 societies classified within 24 language phyla, authors put forward a statistical model based on climate data [specifically focused on the 10°C (50°F) winter temperature isotherm] to explain why dispersion of preindustrial language phyla is remarkably homogeneous even despite heterogeneous geographical dispersion of sampled preindustrial cultural groups. They suggest that temperature has been a barrier to migration.

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  9. In colder climates, infants will more likely be carried in cradles. In warmer climates, infants will more likely be carried in slings (164).Whiting, John W.M. - Environmental constraints on infant care practices, 1981 - 2 Variables

    This chapter examines infant carrying practices across cultures. The author suggests that infant carrying practices are affected by both climate and history. Findings indicate regional patterns in infant carrying practices and in the borrowing of infant carrying practices within regions. Results support the hypothesis.

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  10. "[Most of the] . . . societies in which a husband and wife have separate bedrooms are situated in tropical climates where heating is not a problem. . . . [Societies where settlements are permanent rather than nomadic or seminomadic tend to have separate bedrooms for husband and wife]" (190, 191)Whiting, John W.M. - Aloofness and intimacy of husbands and wives: a cross-cultural study, 1975 - 3 Variables

    This study examines husband-wife relationships, specifically rooming and sleeping arrangements, as they relate to variables such as infant care, subsistence, residence, and cultural complexity. Several hypotheses are tested and all are supported.

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