Found 1593 Hypotheses across 160 Pages (0.045 seconds)
  1. ". . .in a significant number of societies men and women who room together eat together. . . . Fathers [tend to] have a close relationship with their infants . . . [and in societies where husband and wife sleep together] . . . the husband is [generally] permitted to be present . . . when his wife is giving birth . . ."Whiting, John W.M. - Aloofness and intimacy of husbands and wives: a cross-cultural study, 1975 - 4 Variables

    This study examines husband-wife relationships, specifically rooming and sleeping arrangements, as they relate to variables such as infant care, subsistence, residence, and cultural complexity. Several hypotheses are tested and all are supported.

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  2. ". . . husbands and wives should room together in . . . agricultural societies [with] complex [stratification] that have developed a constabulary and/or professional army as an alternative means of protecting property. . . . Rooming apart is most likely to occur in . . . societies at the middle level of development" (196)Whiting, John W.M. - Aloofness and intimacy of husbands and wives: a cross-cultural study, 1975 - 2 Variables

    This study examines husband-wife relationships, specifically rooming and sleeping arrangements, as they relate to variables such as infant care, subsistence, residence, and cultural complexity. Several hypotheses are tested and all are supported.

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  3. "[There is] no association between wife beating [,] . . . another index of the relation between husband and wife [,] . . . and rooming arrangements. It is associated rather with independent versus extended households. Wife beating tends not to occur in . . . [extended] households" (190)Whiting, John W.M. - Aloofness and intimacy of husbands and wives: a cross-cultural study, 1975 - 3 Variables

    This study examines husband-wife relationships, specifically rooming and sleeping arrangements, as they relate to variables such as infant care, subsistence, residence, and cultural complexity. Several hypotheses are tested and all are supported.

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  4. Socialization for aggression will predict low husband-wife intimacy (322)de Munck, Victor C. - Wife-husband intimacy and female status in cross-cultural perspective, 2007 - 5 Variables

    This article examines predictors of intimacy between husbands and wives. Emphasis is on equality of spouses. A causal model is presented.

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  5. "[Most of the] . . . societies in which a husband and wife have separate bedrooms are situated in tropical climates where heating is not a problem. . . . [Societies where settlements are permanent rather than nomadic or seminomadic tend to have separate bedrooms for husband and wife]" (190, 191)Whiting, John W.M. - Aloofness and intimacy of husbands and wives: a cross-cultural study, 1975 - 3 Variables

    This study examines husband-wife relationships, specifically rooming and sleeping arrangements, as they relate to variables such as infant care, subsistence, residence, and cultural complexity. Several hypotheses are tested and all are supported.

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  6. Family size negatively predicts husband-wife intimacy (331)de Munck, Victor C. - Wife-husband intimacy and female status in cross-cultural perspective, 2007 - 2 Variables

    This article examines predictors of intimacy between husbands and wives. Emphasis is on equality of spouses. A causal model is presented.

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  7. Polygyny will be positively associated with low husband-wife intimacy (322)de Munck, Victor C. - Wife-husband intimacy and female status in cross-cultural perspective, 2007 - 4 Variables

    This article examines predictors of intimacy between husbands and wives. Emphasis is on equality of spouses. A causal model is presented.

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  8. Equality of spouses should be positively associated with husband-wife intimacy (308).de Munck, Victor C. - Wife-husband intimacy and female status in cross-cultural perspective, 2007 - 2 Variables

    This article examines predictors of intimacy between husbands and wives. Emphasis is on equality of spouses. A causal model is presented.

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  9. High female status will be positively associated with husband-wife intimacy (309)de Munck, Victor C. - Wife-husband intimacy and female status in cross-cultural perspective, 2007 - 2 Variables

    This article examines predictors of intimacy between husbands and wives. Emphasis is on equality of spouses. A causal model is presented.

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  10. Nasal consonants, non-nasal labial stops, and low vowels will the sounds most frequently used by young children to denote the mother and father (1).Murdock, George Peter - Cross-language parallels in parental kin terms, 1959 - 2 Variables

    This article examines the universal tendency for languages, regardless of their historical relationships, to develop similar words for mother and father on the basis of nursery forms. Findings suggest that Ma, Na, Pa, and Ta are significantly more common sound classes denoting the mother or father.

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