Found 4481 Hypotheses across 449 Pages (0.006 seconds)
  1. Political complexity is positively associated with monotheism (859)Underhill, Ralph - Economic and political antecedents of monotheism: a cross-cultural study, 1975 - 2 Variables

    Examines the cross-cultural correlates of belief in a high god or supreme creator. The results are compared to and found to be inconsistent with the theoretical perspectives of Swanson (1960) and Durkheim (1912).

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  2. The salience of color categories in folk tales is positively associated with the evolutionary sequence proposed by Berlin and Kay (1969) (233).Bolton, Ralph - Color terms in folk tales: a cross-cultural study, 1979 - 2 Variables

    Using a sample derived from the available folk tale literature, researchers test whether the salience of color terms in folk tales follow the evolutionary sequence put forth by Berlin and Kay (1969). Results support the hypothesis.

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  3. The level of sexual jealousy will be positively associated with "social structures or cultural customs that (a) require pair-bonding for economic survival, companionship, and recognition of the individual as a competent adult member of the society; (b) stress the need for personal descendants; (c) emphasize private ownership of property; and (d) restrict nonmarital and extramarital sexual intercourse" (54).Hupka, Ralph B. - The cultural contribution to jealousy: cross-cultural aggression in sexual j..., 1990 - 5 Variables

    This article examines the relationship between social structures and sexual jealousy. Results suggest that social structures that emphasize the importance of pair-bonding, progeny, personal property, and exclusive marital sex relations are associated with sexual jealousy in males.

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  4. Subsistence economy, societal size, and the presence of writing and records will all be associated with stage of religious evolution (459).Sanderson, Stephen K. - The evolutionary forms of the religious life: a cross-cultural, quantitative..., 2008 - 4 Variables

    This article develops a new measure of religious evolution and uses multivariate statistical techniques to examine correlates of different religious stages. Results suggest that subsistence economy, societal size, and the presence of writing and records are all associated with the evolution toward monotheism.

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  5. Sexual jealousy will be associated with cultural attitudes towards pairbonding, progeny, property, and sex (333).Hupka, Ralph B. - Cultural determinants of jealousy, 1981 - 5 Variables

    This study explores the relationship between property ownership, pair bonding, and sex as predictors of romantic jealousy. The results of an unpublished cross-cultural study are presented in support of the theory.

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  6. Number of sovereign groups will be positively associated with monotheism (867-8).Swanson, Guy E. - Monotheism, materialism, and collective purpose: an analysis of underhill's ..., 1975 - 2 Variables

    This article contests Underhill’s (1975) claim that monotheism is associated more strongly with subsistence than political organization in preindustrial societies. The author asserts that when political organization is held constant, there is no relationship between subsistence strategy and monotheism. Number of sovereign groups is found to be a good predictor of monotheism.

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  7. Economic complexity, food surplus, social stratification, and political organization will be positively associated with levels of sexual dominance (679)Johnson, G. David - A cross-cultural test of Collins’ theory of sexual stratification, 1982 - 5 Variables

    This article tests Randall Collin's 1975 theory that political-economic factors, rather than family/kinship factors, predict the degree of sexual stratification in a given society. A multivariate model is tested and findings contradict the theory.

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  8. Broad supernatural punishments will be positively associated with the evolution of political complexity.Gray, Russell D. - Cultural macroevolution matters, 2017 - 2 Variables

    Researchers sampled 106 Austronesian societies from the Pulotu database to study the way political complexity evolves in relation to religious beliefs and practices. Specifically, they attempt to test the causal theory that supernatural punishment played a causal role in the emergence of large, complex societies. They use phylogenetic models to control for Galton's Problem in testing the supernatural punishment hypothesis in an effort to demonstrate the effectiveness of utilizing cross-cultural datasets in evaluating evolutionary change in human social organization.

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  9. Specific beliefs in moral high gods will be positively associated with the evolution of political complexity.Gray, Russell D. - Cultural macroevolution matters, 2017 - 2 Variables

    Researchers sampled 106 Austronesian societies from the Pulotu database to study the way political complexity evolves in relation to religious beliefs and practices. Specifically, they attempt to test the causal theory that supernatural punishment played a causal role in the emergence of large, complex societies. They use phylogenetic models to control for Galton's Problem in testing the supernatural punishment hypothesis in an effort to demonstrate the effectiveness of utilizing cross-cultural datasets in evaluating evolutionary change in human social organization.

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  10. Findings: A factor analysis of traits used to develop a settlement pattern scale of cultural complexity yielded three important factors. Factor 1, "Religion" (oblique rotation), loaded negatively and heavily on religious and ceremonial variables (245)McNett, Charles W., Jr. - Factor analysis of a cross-cultural sample, 1973 - 9 Variables

    This study employs factor analysis to develop a settlement pattern scale of cultural complexity. Political, economic, and religious factors are identified and implications for the structure of the cultural system are discussed.

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