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  1. Siestas are more likely to be present in cultures whose members suffer from impaired health, either from disease or malnutrition (239).Barone, T. Lynne - Is the siesta an adaption to disease? A cross-cultural examination, 2000 - 5 Variables

    This study examines the variability of siestas across cultures and considers how factors including climate, subsistence type, and disease susceptability relate to the presence or absence of siestas. The author finds a significant relationship between siestas and the presence of malaria.

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  2. Siestas are more likely to be present in cultures in tropical climates with high mean diurnal temperatures and high annual rainfall (239).Barone, T. Lynne - Is the siesta an adaption to disease? A cross-cultural examination, 2000 - 4 Variables

    This study examines the variability of siestas across cultures and considers how factors including climate, subsistence type, and disease susceptability relate to the presence or absence of siestas. The author finds a significant relationship between siestas and the presence of malaria.

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  3. Subsistence mode will be correlated with the presence of inequality.Wilson, Kurt M. - The Marginal Utility of Inequality: A Global Examination Across Ethnographic..., 2020 - 2 Variables

    In this study, the authors draw from intensity theory and combine previous research from the fields of behavioral ecology, economics, and social evolution to analyze drivers in the emergence and persistence of inequality across the world. They propose that environmental heterogeneity and circumscription (the difficulty of moving and establishing oneself in a new environment relative to remaining in the current one) play a significant role in the stratification of societies. Their results indicate that situations arise from various environmental conditions and levels of circumscription that may result in an individual giving up autonomy for material gain, thus favoring inequality.

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  4. In addition to socialization for aggression, there will be a positive relationship between father's sleeping distance and the frequency of homocide/ assault (300).Ember, Carol R. - Father absence and male aggression: a re-examination of the comparative evidence, 2002 - 3 Variables

    This paper supports Beatrice B. Whiting's (1965) sex-identity conflict hypothesis which suggests a relationship between males' early identification with their mothers and male violence. Authors find that, in addition to socialization aggression, frequency of homicide/assault is significantly related to father-infant sleeping distance, particularly when residence is not matrilocal and/or warfare is more than occasional.

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  5. In a subsample excluding societies that are matrilocal and have less than occasional warfare, father's sleeping distance will be a better predictor of homicide and assault (305).Ember, Carol R. - Father absence and male aggression: a re-examination of the comparative evidence, 2002 - 4 Variables

    This paper supports Beatrice B. Whiting's (1965) sex-identity conflict hypothesis which suggests a relationship between males' early identification with their mothers and male violence. Authors find that, in addition to socialization aggression, frequency of homicide/assault is significantly related to father-infant sleeping distance, particularly when residence is not matrilocal and/or warfare is more than occasional.

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  6. Dependence on agriculture for subsistence will be positively associated with sedentism. (87)Frederic L. Pryor - Economic Systems of Foraging, Agricultural, and Industrial Societies, 2005 - 2 Variables

    The second and third parts of this book classify the economic systems of foraging and agricultural societies in the SCCS based on correlations between their institutions of property an distribution. These economic types are then examined for relationships with other social, political, demographic, and environmental factors in order to draw tentative conclusions regarding the origins of the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions. The fourth part of the book uses cross-national data to examine similar associations in industrial/service economies, and is not included here.

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  7. The presence of agriculture is associated with larger house areas.Hrnčíř, Václav - Identifying post-marital residence patterns in prehistory: A phylogenetic co..., 2020 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the association between post-marital residence patterns and dwelling size in pre-industrial societies using comparative methods and a global sample of 86 societies. The results suggest that matrilocality is associated with larger dwellings (over 65 square meters) in agricultural societies, while patrilocality is associated with smaller dwellings. The study also finds that sedentism is the single best predictor of house size. The study concludes that post-marital residence and house size evolve in a correlated fashion, which can help make reliable inferences about the social organization of prehistoric societies from archaeological records.

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  8. There will be an association between polygyny and ancestor worship. Societies that have a higher occurrence of polygyny will be more likely to practice ancestor worship than those with a lower occurrence or absence of polygyny.Sheils, Dean - Toward a Unified Theory of Ancestor Worship: A Cross-Cultural Study, 1975 - 2 Variables

    Based on prior findings, the present study tests the theory that subsistence type, specifically agricultural level, influences descent type, conjugal formation, and marriage type. All three of the latter variables are predicted to be antecedents of ancestor worship. The author claims support for the theory.

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  9. There will be a relationship between exclusive mother-child sleeping arrangements and the presence or absence of foreplay.Gray, J. Patrick - Cross-cultural factors associated with sexual foreplay, 1980 - 2 Variables

    This article examines reasons for the variation in sexual foreplay practices cross-culturally. Results suggest that exclusive mother-child sleeping arrangements is significantly associated with the presence of foreplay.

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  10. There will be an association between agricultural level and ancestor worship.Sheils, Dean - Toward a Unified Theory of Ancestor Worship: A Cross-Cultural Study, 1975 - 2 Variables

    Based on prior findings, the present study tests the theory that subsistence type, specifically agricultural level, influences descent type, conjugal formation, and marriage type. All three of the latter variables are predicted to be antecedents of ancestor worship. The author claims support for the theory.

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