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  1. Controlling on latitude, social complexity will be related to number of basic colorations (366).Ember, Melvin - Size of color lexicon: interaction of cultural and biological factors, 1978 - 0 Variables

    Different languages contain different numbers of basic colors. One interpretation is that more complex societies will have more basic color terms. Another interpretation is that peoples with less pigmented eyes will have more basic color terms. This paper suggests that both interpretations are necessary in order to predict the number of basic color terms.

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  2. Speech communities further from the equator will be positively associated with having six or more basic color terms (364)Ember, Melvin - Size of color lexicon: interaction of cultural and biological factors, 1978 - 2 Variables

    Different languages contain different numbers of basic colors. One interpretation is that more complex societies will have more basic color terms. Another interpretation is that peoples with less pigmented eyes will have more basic color terms. This paper suggests that both interpretations are necessary in order to predict the number of basic color terms.

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  3. Speech communities further from the equator will be positively associated with the level of societal complexity (364)Ember, Melvin - Size of color lexicon: interaction of cultural and biological factors, 1978 - 2 Variables

    Different languages contain different numbers of basic colors. One interpretation is that more complex societies will have more basic color terms. Another interpretation is that peoples with less pigmented eyes will have more basic color terms. This paper suggests that both interpretations are necessary in order to predict the number of basic color terms.

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  4. "In addition to the fact that the stages of complexity of color vocabulary have a temporal ordering, there appears to be a positive correlation between general cultural complexity and complexity of color vocabulary" (16)Berlin, Brent - Basic color terms: their universality and evolution, 1969 - 2 Variables

    The research presented in this book challenges the notion that languages develop color terms independently of other languages. Authors find a universal inventory of eleven basic color categories from which the basic color terms are drawn. Authors also find an apparent fixed sequence of evolutionary stages through which a language must pass as its color vocabulary increases. A postive correlation between cultural complexity and complexity of color vocabulary is observed.

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  5. Resource problems will be associated with more war (243-244).Ember, Carol R. - Resource Unpredictability, mistrust, and war: a cross-cultural study, 1992 - 2 Variables

    The article tests theories that may explain why warfare frequency varies from society to society. The focus is on ecological problems, particularly different kinds of resource scarcity, but social and psychological theories are also tested with both bivariate and multivariate analyses. Because unpredictable disasters are such a strong predictor in nonstate societies, the authors theorize that war may mostly be caused by a fear of nature.

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  6. Need satisfaction in childhood will be a negative predictor of warfare frequencyEmber, Carol R. - Resource Unpredictability, mistrust, and war: a cross-cultural study, 1992 - 2 Variables

    The article tests theories that may explain why warfare frequency varies from society to society. The focus is on ecological problems, particularly different kinds of resource scarcity, but social and psychological theories are also tested with both bivariate and multivariate analyses. Because unpredictable disasters are such a strong predictor in nonstate societies, the authors theorize that war may mostly be caused by a fear of nature.

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  7. A short supply of women will be positively associated with the frequency of warfare--Divale and Harris (251)Ember, Carol R. - Resource Unpredictability, mistrust, and war: a cross-cultural study, 1992 - 2 Variables

    The article tests theories that may explain why warfare frequency varies from society to society. The focus is on ecological problems, particularly different kinds of resource scarcity, but social and psychological theories are also tested with both bivariate and multivariate analyses. Because unpredictable disasters are such a strong predictor in nonstate societies, the authors theorize that war may mostly be caused by a fear of nature.

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  8. Controlling for mistrust in a multiple regression analysis, natural disasters are positively associated with overall warfare (254)Ember, Carol R. - Resource Unpredictability, mistrust, and war: a cross-cultural study, 1992 - 3 Variables

    The article tests theories that may explain why warfare frequency varies from society to society. The focus is on ecological problems, particularly different kinds of resource scarcity, but social and psychological theories are also tested with both bivariate and multivariate analyses. Because unpredictable disasters are such a strong predictor in nonstate societies, the authors theorize that war may mostly be caused by a fear of nature.

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  9. Controlling for natural disasters in a multiple regression analysis, mistrust is positively associated with overall warfare (254)Ember, Carol R. - Resource Unpredictability, mistrust, and war: a cross-cultural study, 1992 - 3 Variables

    The article tests theories that may explain why warfare frequency varies from society to society. The focus is on ecological problems, particularly different kinds of resource scarcity, but social and psychological theories are also tested with both bivariate and multivariate analyses. Because unpredictable disasters are such a strong predictor in nonstate societies, the authors theorize that war may mostly be caused by a fear of nature.

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  10. When people fight, they will usually take natural resources from othersEmber, Carol R. - Resource Unpredictability, mistrust, and war: a cross-cultural study, 1992 - 2 Variables

    The article tests theories that may explain why warfare frequency varies from society to society. The focus is on ecological problems, particularly different kinds of resource scarcity, but social and psychological theories are also tested with both bivariate and multivariate analyses. Because unpredictable disasters are such a strong predictor in nonstate societies, the authors theorize that war may mostly be caused by a fear of nature.

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