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  1. Protestantism will be associated with the endorsement of competition (380).Hayward, R. David - How competition is viewed across cultures: a test of four theories, 2007 - 4 Variables

    This study draws upon theory from Marx, Weber, postmaterialism, individualism and system justification to explore cultural attitudes and beliefs surroudning competition. Authors test relationships between the attitudes towards competition and economic and religious variables.

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  2. The increase in postmaterialist values will mediate the relationship between rising human development and falling levels of endorsement of competition (380).Hayward, R. David - How competition is viewed across cultures: a test of four theories, 2007 - 3 Variables

    This study draws upon theory from Marx, Weber, postmaterialism, individualism and system justification to explore cultural attitudes and beliefs surroudning competition. Authors test relationships between the attitudes towards competition and economic and religious variables.

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  3. Higher income will be associated with more favorable views towards competition (383).Hayward, R. David - How competition is viewed across cultures: a test of four theories, 2007 - 2 Variables

    This study draws upon theory from Marx, Weber, postmaterialism, individualism and system justification to explore cultural attitudes and beliefs surroudning competition. Authors test relationships between the attitudes towards competition and economic and religious variables.

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  4. In wealthy countries, Protestants will endorse competition more strongly than non-Protestants (387).Hayward, R. David - How competition is viewed across cultures: a test of four theories, 2007 - 3 Variables

    This study draws upon theory from Marx, Weber, postmaterialism, individualism and system justification to explore cultural attitudes and beliefs surroudning competition. Authors test relationships between the attitudes towards competition and economic and religious variables.

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  5. Cultural heritage will be related to a society's approach to competition (379).Hayward, R. David - How competition is viewed across cultures: a test of four theories, 2007 - 3 Variables

    This study draws upon theory from Marx, Weber, postmaterialism, individualism and system justification to explore cultural attitudes and beliefs surroudning competition. Authors test relationships between the attitudes towards competition and economic and religious variables.

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  6. Economic structure will be related to societal attitudes toward competition (378).Hayward, R. David - How competition is viewed across cultures: a test of four theories, 2007 - 2 Variables

    This study draws upon theory from Marx, Weber, postmaterialism, individualism and system justification to explore cultural attitudes and beliefs surroudning competition. Authors test relationships between the attitudes towards competition and economic and religious variables.

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  7. Where a society's subsistence economy generates a more complex form of social organization, there will be a lower concentration of value emphases in children's socialization (p. 365).Welch, Michael R. - Social structural expansion, economic diversification, and concentration of ..., 1984 - 4 Variables

    This article investigates the relationship between economic type and socialization of children. The author focuses on the concentration of value emphases in childhood socialization--that is, whether children are instilled with several different value orientations rather than just one or two. Value concentration is examined alongside subsistence technology and economic diversification; attention is also paid to gender differences.

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  8. Societies with more diversified subsistence economies will have a lower concentration of value emphases in children's socialization (p. 366).Welch, Michael R. - Social structural expansion, economic diversification, and concentration of ..., 1984 - 4 Variables

    This article investigates the relationship between economic type and socialization of children. The author focuses on the concentration of value emphases in childhood socialization--that is, whether children are instilled with several different value orientations rather than just one or two. Value concentration is examined alongside subsistence technology and economic diversification; attention is also paid to gender differences.

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  9. ". . . sober societies tend to think more in terms of hierarchy (title, vertical space, and old age) and social control (scheduling and activity inhibition)" (60)McClelland, David C. - A cross-cultural study of folk-tale content and drinking, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This book chapter tests new and pre-existing theories (Horton, Field, Bacon et al.) for the cause of variation in drinking across cultures. Folktale content is used to test psychological variables more directly than has been done previously. Folktale content is analyzed programmatically with an acknowledged error level of up to one-third. Results lend support to Field's 1962 theory that loose social organization facilitates drinking.

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  10. "Unilocal societies may be transformed into multilocal societies because of depopulation . . . among relatively sedentary societies with more than 15 percent dependence on agriculture . . . and in societies lacking in equality of inheritance" (393, 394)Ember, Carol R. - The conditions favoring multilocal residence, 1972 - 5 Variables

    This paper presents empirical evidence suggesting that multilocal residence is most common in societies that have experienced depopulation, likely due to the introduction of a new infectious disease. Other potential explanatory variables—such as the presence of migratory bands, little or no agriculture, and equality of the sexes in inheritance—were not significant predictors of multilocal residence when controlling for depopulation.

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