Found 2152 Hypotheses across 216 Pages (0.041 seconds)
  1. Parental rejection will be associated with a series of adult personality characteristics: self evaluation, self reliance, dependence, emotional responsiveness, world view, generosity, nurturance in adulthood (415).Rohner, Ronald P. - Parental rejection, food deprivation, and personality development: tests of ..., 1970 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates potential relationships between food deprivation, parental rejection, and personality development. Findings indicate that a series of adult personality characteristics (e.g. self evaluation and emotional responsiveness) are better predicted by parental rejection than by nutritional variables.

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  2. Parental acceptance will be negatively associated with hostility and dependence in childhood and adulthood (260).Rohner, Ronald P. - Parental acceptance-rejection and personality development: a universalist ap..., 1975 - 3 Variables

    This study investigates cross-cultural determinants and consequences of parental affection and rejection. Findings indicate that accepted children are less hostile and dependent and have higher self-esteem in both childhood and adulthood. Additional findings suggest that children who experienced parental acceptance had higher emotional responsiveness, better world view, more emotional stability, generosity, and nurturance as adults.

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  3. Nutritional deprivation variables will be associated with a series of adult personality characteristics: self evaluation, self reliance, dependence, emotional responsiveness, and world view (415).Rohner, Ronald P. - Parental rejection, food deprivation, and personality development: tests of ..., 1970 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates potential relationships between food deprivation, parental rejection, and personality development. Findings indicate that a series of adult personality characteristics (e.g. self evaluation and emotional responsiveness) are better predicted by parental rejection than by nutritional variables.

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  4. “Accepted children tend to be more self-reliant than rejected children. …The trend regarding self-reliance also breaks down in adulthood …” (Rohner 1975: 102, 104)Rohner, Ronald P. - They love me, they love me not: a worldwide study of the effects of parental..., 1975 - 3 Variables

    The purpose of this book is to introduce a conceptual and methodological perspective called the "universalist approach," and to use this approach in exploring the pancultural antecedents and affects of parental acceptance-rejection of children,

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  5. "…adults who were accepted as children are more generous and more responsible than those who were rejected" (Rohner 1975: 170)Rohner, Ronald P. - They love me, they love me not: a worldwide study of the effects of parental..., 1975 - 3 Variables

    The purpose of this book is to introduce a conceptual and methodological perspective called the "universalist approach," and to use this approach in exploring the pancultural antecedents and affects of parental acceptance-rejection of children,

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  6. ". . . adults who were rejected as children tend pan-culturally to be emotionally unresponsive. . . . less emotionally stable. . . . [and to have a] negative world view . . ." (102, 103)Rohner, Ronald P. - They love me, they love me not: a worldwide study of the effects of parental..., 1975 - 4 Variables

    The purpose of this book is to introduce a conceptual and methodological perspective called the "universalist approach," and to use this approach in exploring the pancultural antecedents and affects of parental acceptance-rejection of children,

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  7. Traditional religiosity should decrease economic, social, and expressive individualism.Ciftci, Sabri - On Weber, pathogens and culture: a global empirical analysis of religion and..., 2022 - 4 Variables

    This study analyzes Weber's religious ethic thesis by investigating the relationship of religiosity on economic, social, and expressive individualism. The author found that religiosity increased economic individualism, and decreased social and expressive individualism. Under the notion that natural disasters prompt collectivistic defensive mechanisms, the author demonstrated some support that low levels of pathogen prevalence strengthened religiosity's relationships with social and expressive individualism, but not for economic individualism. The author did not find support for Weber's idea that Protestation will increase economic individualism and other religions, such as Islam, decrease economic individualism.

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  8. Traditional religiosity should decrease social and expressive individualism, but increase economic individualism. Ciftci, Sabri - On Weber, pathogens and culture: a global empirical analysis of religion and..., 2022 - 4 Variables

    This study analyzes Weber's religious ethic thesis by investigating the relationship of religiosity on economic, social, and expressive individualism. The author found that religiosity increased economic individualism, and decreased social and expressive individualism. Under the notion that natural disasters prompt collectivistic defensive mechanisms, the author demonstrated some support that low levels of pathogen prevalence strengthened religiosity's relationships with social and expressive individualism, but not for economic individualism. The author did not find support for Weber's idea that Protestation will increase economic individualism and other religions, such as Islam, decrease economic individualism.

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  9. Strict religiosity should decrease social, economic, and expressive individualism. Ciftci, Sabri - On Weber, pathogens and culture: a global empirical analysis of religion and..., 2022 - 4 Variables

    This study analyzes Weber's religious ethic thesis by investigating the relationship of religiosity on economic, social, and expressive individualism. The author found that religiosity increased economic individualism, and decreased social and expressive individualism. Under the notion that natural disasters prompt collectivistic defensive mechanisms, the author demonstrated some support that low levels of pathogen prevalence strengthened religiosity's relationships with social and expressive individualism, but not for economic individualism. The author did not find support for Weber's idea that Protestation will increase economic individualism and other religions, such as Islam, decrease economic individualism.

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  10. Pathogen prevalence should increase the magnitude of the correlations between religiosity and individualistic orientations.Ciftci, Sabri - On Weber, pathogens and culture: a global empirical analysis of religion and..., 2022 - 4 Variables

    This study analyzes Weber's religious ethic thesis by investigating the relationship of religiosity on economic, social, and expressive individualism. The author found that religiosity increased economic individualism, and decreased social and expressive individualism. Under the notion that natural disasters prompt collectivistic defensive mechanisms, the author demonstrated some support that low levels of pathogen prevalence strengthened religiosity's relationships with social and expressive individualism, but not for economic individualism. The author did not find support for Weber's idea that Protestation will increase economic individualism and other religions, such as Islam, decrease economic individualism.

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