Found 2600 Hypotheses across 260 Pages (0.014 seconds)
  1. Certain characteristics of societies will be significantly correlated in the same direction in both of Murdock's data sets.Rudmin, Floyd Webster - Cross-Cultural Correlates of the Ownership of Private Property: Two Samples ..., 1995 - 55 Variables

    The present study aims to evaluate correlations of private property from two of Murdock's datasets, one of 147 societies (1981) and the other of 312 societies (1967). Altogether the author tested 146 variables coded by Murdock against variables regarding the ownership of land and of movables drawn from Murdock (1967), Simmons (1937), and Swanson (1960). In total, there were 51 statistically significant correlations between private property ownership and other variables. Additionally, the author summarizes the results from this article and the two that preceded it stating that throughout all of the correlations he ran, the practice of agriculture, the use of cereal grains, and the presence of castes and classes were the only variables that predicted private property in all of the datasets that were utilized.

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  2. Social complexity will be positively associated with greater occupational choice for women (207)Naroll, Maud - Women's occupational opportunities: a cross-cultural test, 1989 - 2 Variables

    A brief review of research on women's status is presented. Predictions are tested about women's choice of occupation in relation to levels of social complexity.

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  3. Cultural continuity will predict features in vernacular house architecture.Dunn, Robert R. - Climate, Climate Change and the Global Diversity of Human Houses, 2023 - 5 Variables

    This study uses macroecological approaches to test the impact of climate, social environment, inter-group borrowing and cultural history on vernacular house architecture among 1140 societies. The authors suggest that certain features will be influenced: wall materials, ground plan, roof shape, and floor placement. They use mixed binary and multinominal regressions models to test these predictions. The results strongly support that climatic drivers, cultural continuity, and inter-group borrowing predict three out of the four features: wall materials, roof shape, and floor placement. Social drivers are a strong predictor of every feature tested.

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  4. Climatic drivers will predict features in vernacular house architecture.Dunn, Robert R. - Climate, Climate Change and the Global Diversity of Human Houses, 2023 - 5 Variables

    This study uses macroecological approaches to test the impact of climate, social environment, inter-group borrowing and cultural history on vernacular house architecture among 1140 societies. The authors suggest that certain features will be influenced: wall materials, ground plan, roof shape, and floor placement. They use mixed binary and multinominal regressions models to test these predictions. The results strongly support that climatic drivers, cultural continuity, and inter-group borrowing predict three out of the four features: wall materials, roof shape, and floor placement. Social drivers are a strong predictor of every feature tested.

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  5. Dwelling plans of neighbors will predict features in vernacular house architecture.Dunn, Robert R. - Climate, Climate Change and the Global Diversity of Human Houses, 2023 - 5 Variables

    This study uses macroecological approaches to test the impact of climate, social environment, inter-group borrowing and cultural history on vernacular house architecture among 1140 societies. The authors suggest that certain features will be influenced: wall materials, ground plan, roof shape, and floor placement. They use mixed binary and multinominal regressions models to test these predictions. The results strongly support that climatic drivers, cultural continuity, and inter-group borrowing predict three out of the four features: wall materials, roof shape, and floor placement. Social drivers are a strong predictor of every feature tested.

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  6. In simple societies, women will have less occupational choice than men (207)Naroll, Maud - Women's occupational opportunities: a cross-cultural test, 1989 - 1 Variables

    A brief review of research on women's status is presented. Predictions are tested about women's choice of occupation in relation to levels of social complexity.

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  7. There will be a significant relationship between social complexity and methods used for selection of local headman (49).Greenbaum, Lenora - Cross-cultural study of the use of elections for selection of the village he..., 1977 - 2 Variables

    This study examines variation in economy, political form, social complexity and family relationships between societies using election/consensus decision making for determining leadership and societies that do not use election/consensus decision making. Findings do not show a pattern of variance based on leader selection type.

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  8. There will be a relationships between type of economy and method used to select local headman (49).Greenbaum, Lenora - Cross-cultural study of the use of elections for selection of the village he..., 1977 - 2 Variables

    This study examines variation in economy, political form, social complexity and family relationships between societies using election/consensus decision making for determining leadership and societies that do not use election/consensus decision making. Findings do not show a pattern of variance based on leader selection type.

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  9. Rational organization is negatively associated with hereditary stratification, hereditary political succession, slavery, and centralized government (306)Udy, Stanley H., Jr. - Administrative rationality, social setting, and organizational development, 1962 - 5 Variables

    This study examines organizational characteristics associated with administrative rationality, as well as how organizational development differs under varying social or cultural conditions.

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  10. Changes in craft specialization will be followed by changes in agricultural intensity, which will then be followed by further changes in craft specialization (140).Dow, Malcolm M. - Agricultural intensification and craft specialization: a nonrecursive model, 1985 - 2 Variables

    This study uses four widely discussed hypotheses regarding the relationship between agricultural intensification and craft specialization to develop a non-recursive model. Authors test the model on both worldwide and regional subsamples. Results show support for a hypothesis proposing a feedback relationship between increasingly productive agricultural systems and the division of labor into nonagricultural craft specialties.

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