Found 4363 Hypotheses across 437 Pages (0.045 seconds)
  1. "[There is a] relationship between relative importance of agriculture and differentiation of political authority" (240)Ember, Melvin - The relationship between economic and political development in nonindustrial..., 1963 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates the role of economic development in facilitating political development in preindustrial societies, theorizing that the redistribution of resources is an important factor in this relationship. Results indicate that these two types of development have a curvilinear relationship, and the author concludes that economic development is a necessary but not sufficient cause of political development in preindustrial societies.

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  2. ". . . [there is a positive] correlation between upper limit of community size differentiation of political authority" (239)Ember, Melvin - The relationship between economic and political development in nonindustrial..., 1963 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates the role of economic development in facilitating political development in preindustrial societies, theorizing that the redistribution of resources is an important factor in this relationship. Results indicate that these two types of development have a curvilinear relationship, and the author concludes that economic development is a necessary but not sufficient cause of political development in preindustrial societies.

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  3. "If we plot the distribution of these scores, we find that the relationship between the two variables [economic and political development] is not linear. Rather, the relationship curves increasingly upward" (243-244)Ember, Melvin - The relationship between economic and political development in nonindustrial..., 1963 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates the role of economic development in facilitating political development in preindustrial societies, theorizing that the redistribution of resources is an important factor in this relationship. Results indicate that these two types of development have a curvilinear relationship, and the author concludes that economic development is a necessary but not sufficient cause of political development in preindustrial societies.

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  4. "In sum, the results of this study clearly show that economic and political development are functionally related in nonindustrialized societies" (240)Ember, Melvin - The relationship between economic and political development in nonindustrial..., 1963 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates the role of economic development in facilitating political development in preindustrial societies, theorizing that the redistribution of resources is an important factor in this relationship. Results indicate that these two types of development have a curvilinear relationship, and the author concludes that economic development is a necessary but not sufficient cause of political development in preindustrial societies.

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  5. More political participation will be positively associated with equality (116).Ember, Carol R. - Inequality and democracy and the anthropological record, 1997 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the relationship between equality and democracy, focusing on social stratification and political participation as the primary measures. Results suggest that equality strengthens some aspects of democracy, but several other factors such as industrialization are involved in the relationship.

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  6. ". . . there is a positive association between the number of putative unilineal groups at the highest level of unilineal descent in the society and the total number of persons in the society" (85)Ember, Carol R. - On the development of unilineal descent, 1974 - 2 Variables

    This article tests some conditions that may lead to the emergence of unilineal descent, focusing on unilocality and warfare. Unilineal descent is thought to be likely in a unilocal society without a centralized political system that is experiencing intra- or inter-societal warfare. The authors also posit that a "clan" system usually develops prior to a "lineage" system.

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  7. "Lineages develop prior to putative descent groups" (90)Ember, Carol R. - On the development of unilineal descent, 1974 - 2 Variables

    This article tests some conditions that may lead to the emergence of unilineal descent, focusing on unilocality and warfare. Unilineal descent is thought to be likely in a unilocal society without a centralized political system that is experiencing intra- or inter-societal warfare. The authors also posit that a "clan" system usually develops prior to a "lineage" system.

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  8. Resource problems will be associated with more war (243-244).Ember, Carol R. - Resource Unpredictability, mistrust, and war: a cross-cultural study, 1992 - 2 Variables

    The article tests theories that may explain why warfare frequency varies from society to society. The focus is on ecological problems, particularly different kinds of resource scarcity, but social and psychological theories are also tested with both bivariate and multivariate analyses. Because unpredictable disasters are such a strong predictor in nonstate societies, the authors theorize that war may mostly be caused by a fear of nature.

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  9. ". . . among unilineal societies with internal warfare, those with higher densities would be more likely to have lineages than those with low densities" (82)Ember, Carol R. - On the development of unilineal descent, 1974 - 4 Variables

    This article tests some conditions that may lead to the emergence of unilineal descent, focusing on unilocality and warfare. Unilineal descent is thought to be likely in a unilocal society without a centralized political system that is experiencing intra- or inter-societal warfare. The authors also posit that a "clan" system usually develops prior to a "lineage" system.

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  10. The relative absence of agriculture will be associated with multilocality (385)Ember, Carol R. - The conditions favoring multilocal residence, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This paper presents empirical evidence suggesting that multilocal residence is most common in societies that have experienced depopulation, likely due to the introduction of a new infectious disease. Other potential explanatory variables—such as the presence of migratory bands, little or no agriculture, and equality of the sexes in inheritance—were not significant predictors of multilocal residence when controlling for depopulation.

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