Found 2783 Hypotheses across 279 Pages (0.029 seconds)
  1. ". . . the scales for marriage arrangement and ease of divorce are not significantly related to any of the sex practices scales . . . [adolescent sex segregation, sex anxiety, sex charms, attitude toward homosexuality, frequency of homosexuality, and punishment and frequency of rape]" (307)Minturn, Leigh - Cultural patterning of sexual beliefs and behavior, 1969 - 7 Variables

    This paper is concerned with the variation in sexual behavior in humans. Authors test hypotheses regarding the relationships between sexual behaviors and beliefs concerning sex.

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  2. Subsistence type is associated with ease of divorce (44)Apostolou, Menelaos - Sexual selection under parental choice in agropastoral societies, 2010 - 2 Variables

    Previous studies have proposed a model of sexual selection that dictates that along with female and male choice, parental choice constitutes a significant sexual selection force in our species. This article aims at examining whether this model can also account for the mating patterns typical of agricultural and pastoral societies. The hypotheses are supported by the results presented.

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  3. There will be a positive correlation between arranged marriage practices and extended non-matrilocal families (8).de Munck, Victor C. - Romantic Love and Family Organization: A Case for Romantic Love as a Biosoci..., 2016 - 2 Variables

    Previous cross-cultural studies of romantic love have, in the authors' view, been plagued by vague definitions of the concept and a conflation of cultural, bio-psychological, and social factors. Thus, the authors distinguish between the social aspect of romantic love (which they argue is a universal human predisposition) and the variable cultural valuation of romance. In a large cross-cultural sample, the authors test the hypotheses that gender equality and family organization are important predictors of the cultural valuation of romantic love.

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  4. Societies where the attaining of wives is by relatively easy means, such as token bride price, gift exchange, or receipt of dowry, will have a high composite fertility level (280, 263).Textor, Robert B. - A Cross-Cultural Summary: Fertility, 1967 - 2 Variables

    Textor summarizes cross-cultural findings on polygyny pertaining to cultural, environmental, psychological, and social phenomena.

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  5. Ancestral economic production and living arrangements will be correlated with levels of and attitudes towards intimate partner violence today.Alesina, Alberto - Violence Against Women: A Cross-cultural Analysis for Africa, 2021 - 3 Variables

    The authors of this study investigate both intimate partner violence (IPV) in Africa and tolerance towards it. Merging Demographic and Health Survey data with information from the Ethnographic Atlas, they take into account a wide range of ancestral characteristics that could influence domestic violence today, including precolonial economic roles and marriage traditions. Their findings indicate that societies in which men were dominant in subsistence and/or had androcentric marital practices have more IPV today, and more acceptance of it. They also find an interesting gender gap in acceptance of IPV, in which women are more likely than men to justify domestic violence.

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  6. ". . . there is a . . . relation between the presence of a bride price and the absence of extreme drunkenness" (62)Field, Peter B. - A new cross-cultural study of drunkenness, 1962 - 2 Variables

    This book chapter builds on Horton's 1943 psychoanalytical study of drunkenness. The author tests an overall theory that drunkenness, which facilitates personal and uninhibited interactions, is more acceptable, and therefore prevalent, in societies with loose, rather than rigid, social relationships. Indicators of social rigidity, such as strict socialization or male dominance through patrilocality, are tested for relationships to drunkenness.

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  7. "No prediction can be made about the presence or absence of exclusive monogamy from the . . . information [bilateral descent-independent family-small household]" (1461)Chaney, Richard P. - Typology and patterning: Spiro's sample re-examined, 1966 - 4 Variables

    This article suggests that Spiro's (1965) study on typology of social structure used a biased cross-cultural sample and possibly obscured regional patterns in data. Hypotheses related to marital structure, descent rules, food production and social stratification are tested.

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  8. Prevalence of bride price and bride service will vary according to world region (59).Bourguignon, Erika - Diversity and homogeneity in world societies, 1973 - 2 Variables

    This book provides a summary of data available in the Ethnographic Atlas. Social, political, economic, and kinship variables are included, as well as information about religious beliefs, social restrictions, and games. Data is divided into world areas for the purposes of regional comparison.

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  9. Marriage payments, patrilineal descent, patrilocal residence, extended family forms and importance of inheritance rules will be positively associated with sexual dominance (679)Johnson, G. David - A cross-cultural test of Collins’ theory of sexual stratification, 1982 - 6 Variables

    This article tests Randall Collin's 1975 theory that political-economic factors, rather than family/kinship factors, predict the degree of sexual stratification in a given society. A multivariate model is tested and findings contradict the theory.

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  10. The association between a woman working outside the home and exposure to intimate partner violence will differ depending on how economically active women were in the ancestral society.Alesina, Alberto - Violence Against Women: A Cross-cultural Analysis for Africa, 2021 - 4 Variables

    The authors of this study investigate both intimate partner violence (IPV) in Africa and tolerance towards it. Merging Demographic and Health Survey data with information from the Ethnographic Atlas, they take into account a wide range of ancestral characteristics that could influence domestic violence today, including precolonial economic roles and marriage traditions. Their findings indicate that societies in which men were dominant in subsistence and/or had androcentric marital practices have more IPV today, and more acceptance of it. They also find an interesting gender gap in acceptance of IPV, in which women are more likely than men to justify domestic violence.

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