Found 2849 Hypotheses across 285 Pages (0.007 seconds)
  1. "There is a strong tendency . . . for some social objects (nieces and daughters) to be undifferentiated by the culture's language, where child rearing practices typically keep the mother and child in close contact. Conversely, where early separation does occur, greater linguistic discrimination is the rule" (114)Zern, David - The relationship between mother/infant contact and later differentiation of ..., 1972 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the relationship between mother absence in child rearing and kinship terminology, particularly the differentiation of daughters and nieces. A significant association is found and the author offers theories of causality in both directions.

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  2. "Societies where a nurturant presence was constantly present . . . were more likely to have the simplest local jurisdictional hierarchy" (7)Zern, David - Further evidence supporting the relationship between mother/infant contact a..., 1976 - 2 Variables

    Author reconsiders an earlier study on mother-infant contact and its possible effects on a society's language system. Focuses here on a different dependent variable--the society's local jurisdictional hierarchy.

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  3. A number of measures of stressful esperiences in development will be related to higher cognitive functioning as measured by games of strategy (169).Zern, David - Child-rearing practices and games of strategy, 1979 - 5 Variables

    This study examines the relationship between disequilibrium and cognitive development using measurements of child-rearing, presence of high gods, and games of strategy.

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  4. "When pain inflicted on the infant by the nurturant agent is high, then: [tobacco use is by both sexes]" (162)Blum, Richard H. - A cross-cultural study, 1969 - 2 Variables

    This chapter offers an exploratory study that examines the relationships between several culture characterstics, including child socialization practices, social structure, and food production, and mind-altering drug use in non-literate societies. All hypotheses were supported.

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  5. The presence of monotheistic high gods will be more likely in societies with three or more types of sovereign groups ranked in hierarchical order (89).Peregrine, Peter N. - The birth of the gods revisited: a partial replication of guy swanson's (196..., 1996 - 2 Variables

    This article retests several hypotheses from Swanson’s (1960) study on the origins of religious belief. The author finds support for an association between high gods and large communities, multiple levels of political hierarchy, and social differentiation. No support is found for Swanson’s other hypotheses concerning polytheism, ancestral spirits, reincarnation, the soul, witchcraft, and morality and their relations to social, political, and economic variables.

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  6. Disequilibrium in child-rearing will be positively associated with cultural complexity (127).Zern, David S. - Child-rearing practices and societal complexity: effect of disequilibrium on..., 1980 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the relationship between disequilibrium in child-rearing and societal complexity (particularly social complexity rather than technical complexity). The author suggests that child-rearing plays a role in forming cultural dimensions.

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  7. ". . . presence of a high lineal sense will be related to large differences between the values of a society [with regard to premarital sex and pregnancy] and their actual behavior . . ." (6)Zern, David - The relevance of family cohesiveness as a determinant of premarital sexual b..., 1969 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the lineal-collateral value orientation, wherein “emphasis is placed on the individual as an integral part of an extended family type of structure which is primary” (3). Analysis suggests this value orientation is associated with restriction of premarital sexual practices and pregnancy.

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  8. The presence of sovereign kinship organization will be associated with a belief in active ancestral spirits (94).Peregrine, Peter N. - The birth of the gods revisited: a partial replication of guy swanson's (196..., 1996 - 2 Variables

    This article retests several hypotheses from Swanson’s (1960) study on the origins of religious belief. The author finds support for an association between high gods and large communities, multiple levels of political hierarchy, and social differentiation. No support is found for Swanson’s other hypotheses concerning polytheism, ancestral spirits, reincarnation, the soul, witchcraft, and morality and their relations to social, political, and economic variables.

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  9. Greater kinship system complexity is positively correlated with pastoralism (10).Rácz, Péter - Social Practice and Shared History, Not Social Scale, Structure Cross-Cultur..., 2019 - 2 Variables

    Researchers examined kinships terminology systems for explanations regarding specifically observed typology of kin terms for cousins cross-culturally. They explore two theories, the first relating to population size via bottleneck evolution, and the second relating to social practices that shape kinship systems. Using the Ethnographic Atlas within D-PLACE, 936 societies with kinship system information were studied. The findings did not suggest a relationship between increased community size and a decrease in kinship complexity, however the research does suggest a relationship between practices of marriage and descent and kinship complexity.

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  10. Greater kinship system complexity is positively correlated with cousin marriage (10). Rácz, Péter - Social Practice and Shared History, Not Social Scale, Structure Cross-Cultur..., 2019 - 2 Variables

    Researchers examined kinships terminology systems for explanations regarding specifically observed typology of kin terms for cousins cross-culturally. They explore two theories, the first relating to population size via bottleneck evolution, and the second relating to social practices that shape kinship systems. Using the Ethnographic Atlas within D-PLACE, 936 societies with kinship system information were studied. The findings did not suggest a relationship between increased community size and a decrease in kinship complexity, however the research does suggest a relationship between practices of marriage and descent and kinship complexity.

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