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  1. Post-1500 ethnic groups residing in land with high-productive variation will have increased inter-ethnic trade for subsistence and food.Dickens, Andrew - Understanding ethnolinguistic differences: The roles of geography and trade, 2021 - 2 Variables

    This paper examines the relationship of productive variation in land between ethnic groups to determine if an increased range of producible goods will increase trade, thus decreasing language diversity between neighboring groups. The author initially found that high-variation in land production lessened the diversity of language between ethnic groups in that area. To further test this correlation, the author found that high-productive variation increased trade and exogamous marriage and decreased inter-ethnic conflict. Based on these findings, the author suggests that neighboring ethnic languages co-evolved through the economic benefit of inter-ethnic trade and social interaction.

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  2. Post-1500 ethnic groups residing in land with high-productive variation will have less inter-ethnic conflict.Dickens, Andrew - Understanding ethnolinguistic differences: The roles of geography and trade, 2021 - 2 Variables

    This paper examines the relationship of productive variation in land between ethnic groups to determine if an increased range of producible goods will increase trade, thus decreasing language diversity between neighboring groups. The author initially found that high-variation in land production lessened the diversity of language between ethnic groups in that area. To further test this correlation, the author found that high-productive variation increased trade and exogamous marriage and decreased inter-ethnic conflict. Based on these findings, the author suggests that neighboring ethnic languages co-evolved through the economic benefit of inter-ethnic trade and social interaction.

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  3. Agriculture will be more common in high-productivity regions when compared to non-agricultural subsistence activities.Dickens, Andrew - Understanding ethnolinguistic differences: The roles of geography and trade, 2021 - 2 Variables

    This paper examines the relationship of productive variation in land between ethnic groups to determine if an increased range of producible goods will increase trade, thus decreasing language diversity between neighboring groups. The author initially found that high-variation in land production lessened the diversity of language between ethnic groups in that area. To further test this correlation, the author found that high-productive variation increased trade and exogamous marriage and decreased inter-ethnic conflict. Based on these findings, the author suggests that neighboring ethnic languages co-evolved through the economic benefit of inter-ethnic trade and social interaction.

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  4. High land productivity variation will be associated with less language difference between neighboring ethnic groups.Dickens, Andrew - Understanding ethnolinguistic differences: The roles of geography and trade, 2021 - 2 Variables

    This paper examines the relationship of productive variation in land between ethnic groups to determine if an increased range of producible goods will increase trade, thus decreasing language diversity between neighboring groups. The author initially found that high-variation in land production lessened the diversity of language between ethnic groups in that area. To further test this correlation, the author found that high-productive variation increased trade and exogamous marriage and decreased inter-ethnic conflict. Based on these findings, the author suggests that neighboring ethnic languages co-evolved through the economic benefit of inter-ethnic trade and social interaction.

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  5. Non-agricultural subsistence will be more common in areas with low productive land when compared to agriculture.Dickens, Andrew - Understanding ethnolinguistic differences: The roles of geography and trade, 2021 - 2 Variables

    This paper examines the relationship of productive variation in land between ethnic groups to determine if an increased range of producible goods will increase trade, thus decreasing language diversity between neighboring groups. The author initially found that high-variation in land production lessened the diversity of language between ethnic groups in that area. To further test this correlation, the author found that high-productive variation increased trade and exogamous marriage and decreased inter-ethnic conflict. Based on these findings, the author suggests that neighboring ethnic languages co-evolved through the economic benefit of inter-ethnic trade and social interaction.

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  6. The hierarchical index of a country may be positively associated with the caloric advantage and land productivity of cereal crops over roots and tubers before and after the Columbian Exchange (before 1500 and after 1550).Mayshar, Joram - The origin of the state: land productivity or appropriability?, 2022 - 3 Variables

    The authors evaluated an alternative theory to the traditional productivity theory. They posit that food surplus did not precede the emergence of hierarchy, rather, the productivity advantage of cereal cultivation over tubers and roots as the catalyst for state societies. Their theory found support with a sample of societies from the present-day, Classical Antiquity, Neolithic period and pre/post Columbian Exchange. The results suggest social complexity emerged with cereal cultivation, rather than agriculture alone.

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  7. Resource density is positively correlated with type of tenure system.Moritz, Mark - Comparative Study of Territoriality across Forager Societies, 2020 - 7 Variables

    Researchers investigated the variation of land tenure systems across forager societies using the economic defensibility model. The study attempted to explain the variation in tenure systems across 30 hunter-gatherer societies. Using data on defense and sharing of resources among groups, and indicators of resource density, resource predictability, and competition for resources, the researchers were unable to explain the variation. This study highlights the vast range of diversity and complexity of foragers subsistence strategies, and proposes that it may be more telling to conceptualize tenure systems among hunter-gatherer societies as assemblages of multiple property regimes. While there was no overall evidence that environmental variables of resource density and predictability explain variation in tenure systems, researchers did find that increasing population density, and greater competition for resources leads to greater territoriality.

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  8. Traditional plough agriculture will be associated with lower female participation in trading (483).Alesina, Alberto - On the origins of gender roles: Women and the plough, 2013 - 7 Variables

    There is considerable variation both within and across societies in attitudes towards female employment outside of the household. In some societies, the dominant belief is that women should have equal opportunity to work outside the home, while in others women are strongly discouraged from working outside of the domestic sphere. Here the authors use pre-industrial ethnographic data and contemporary observations of gender inequality to test the hypothesis that cultural attitudes regarding the appropriateness of women working outside of the household are rooted in the ancestral adoption of plough cultivation. Contemporary measures of gender inequality assess variation across countries, ethnic groups, and individuals.

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  9. Food production focused on plant-based agriculture should be more likely in more environmentally productive locations (7)Gavin, Michael C. - The global geography of human subsistence, 2018 - 4 Variables

    In this article, the authors seek to determine cross-culturally valid predictors of dominant types of human subsistence around the world. They did this by formulating multiple models that incorporate different combinations of environmental, geographic, and social factors. These models were then used to test various hypotheses posed throughout the anthropological literature surrounding factors that determine dominant subsistence strategies.

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  10. Rate of exogamy will be positively associated with disparities in productivity between the two residence sites. (1807)Dow, Gregory K. - The economics of exogamous marriage in small‐scale societies, 2016 - 12 Variables

    The authors develop and empirically test a model in which exogamy is negatively predicted by community size, due to decreasing heterogeneity from endogenous marriages in small settlements, and positively predicted by disparity in productivity between communities which is 'smoothed out' by transfer of community members through exogamous marriages. Support for both predictions is found, which is used to argue that cultural traits like marriage customs are heavily influenced by population-environment relationships.

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