Found 4259 Hypotheses across 426 Pages (0.038 seconds)
  1. "Index of Sociocultural Development scores do in fact correlate with elaborateness of certain aspects of the aesthetic and ritual elements of culture" (1114)Bowden, Edgar - Indices of sociocultural development and cultural accumulation: an exponent..., 1969 - 6 Variables

    This article investigates a broad hypothesis that cultural traits diversify with sociocultural development. Results suggest that sociocultual development is associated with certain aspects of aesthetic and ritual culture, and that cultural elaboration may be correlated with some sexual norms and tendency toward cannibalism, human sacrifice, and slavery.

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  2. "The aggression implicit in cannibalism, human sacrifice, sacrificial grave escort, and slavery are also associated with cultural elaboration" (1114)Bowden, Edgar - Indices of sociocultural development and cultural accumulation: an exponent..., 1969 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates a broad hypothesis that cultural traits diversify with sociocultural development. Results suggest that sociocultual development is associated with certain aspects of aesthetic and ritual culture, and that cultural elaboration may be correlated with some sexual norms and tendency toward cannibalism, human sacrifice, and slavery.

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  3. "Traits [loading above .5 on] rotated factor Index of Social Development [are]: permanency of residence, group life, agriculture, use of grain for food, constancy of food supply, domesticated animals other than herded, mining and smelting of metals, metals obtained from outside, pottery, weaving, money or other standard medium of exchange, trade, private property in land, power vested in a chief, codified laws, authority of judges, plutocracy, and organized priesthood" (456)Bowden, Edgar - An index of sociocultural development applicable to precivilized societies, 1969 - 19 Variables

    Using principal-components analysis, the author develops an Index of Sociocultural Development that measures the same concepts as Carneiro’s Index of Cultural Accumulation. Carneiro’s index also contains a measure of cultural elaboration which the author suggests examining further.

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  4. Greater socioeconomic development will be positively associated with better conditions of life and freedoms for slaves (114, 116).Bowden, Edgar - Three stages in the evolution of slavery in precivilized societies, 1973 - 2 Variables

    This article proposes three stages of slavery: dominance slavery, temporary decline of slavery, and economic slavery. Dominance slavery refers to the enslavement of war captives while economic slavery entails a legally codified slave class in a more economically stratified society. Mann-Whitney summed-rank tests suggest that economic slavery is associated with higher socioeconomic development, here defined in terms of male-dominance rather than equidominance in a society.

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  5. Greater socioeconomic development will be positively associated with legal codification for slavery (114, 116).Bowden, Edgar - Three stages in the evolution of slavery in precivilized societies, 1973 - 2 Variables

    This article proposes three stages of slavery: dominance slavery, temporary decline of slavery, and economic slavery. Dominance slavery refers to the enslavement of war captives while economic slavery entails a legally codified slave class in a more economically stratified society. Mann-Whitney summed-rank tests suggest that economic slavery is associated with higher socioeconomic development, here defined in terms of male-dominance rather than equidominance in a society.

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  6. Greater socioeconomic development will be positively associated with recruiting slaves from within the society (rather than externally) (114, 116).Bowden, Edgar - Three stages in the evolution of slavery in precivilized societies, 1973 - 2 Variables

    This article proposes three stages of slavery: dominance slavery, temporary decline of slavery, and economic slavery. Dominance slavery refers to the enslavement of war captives while economic slavery entails a legally codified slave class in a more economically stratified society. Mann-Whitney summed-rank tests suggest that economic slavery is associated with higher socioeconomic development, here defined in terms of male-dominance rather than equidominance in a society.

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  7. As women's access to economic resources increases, women's sexual unrestrictedness increases as well.Pirlott, Angela G. - Cross-Cultural Evidence for the Role of Parenting Costs Limiting Women’s Sex..., 2023 - 2 Variables

    Humans, just like other mammals, tend to allow greater sexual freedom for men rather than women. Furthermore, females are burdened with the majority of parenting. Do parenting costs limit sexual unrestrictedness to a different degree for males and females? The authors find that across 48 cultures, as women’s parenting costs decreased through improved physiological and economic conditions, women’s sexual unrestrictedness increased.

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  8. ". . . the scales for marriage arrangement and ease of divorce are not significantly related to any of the sex practices scales . . . [adolescent sex segregation, sex anxiety, sex charms, attitude toward homosexuality, frequency of homosexuality, and punishment and frequency of rape]" (307)Minturn, Leigh - Cultural patterning of sexual beliefs and behavior, 1969 - 7 Variables

    This paper is concerned with the variation in sexual behavior in humans. Authors test hypotheses regarding the relationships between sexual behaviors and beliefs concerning sex.

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  9. ". . . [there is a positive] correlation between upper limit of community size differentiation of political authority" (239)Ember, Melvin - The relationship between economic and political development in nonindustrial..., 1963 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates the role of economic development in facilitating political development in preindustrial societies, theorizing that the redistribution of resources is an important factor in this relationship. Results indicate that these two types of development have a curvilinear relationship, and the author concludes that economic development is a necessary but not sufficient cause of political development in preindustrial societies.

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  10. "[There is a] relationship between relative importance of agriculture and differentiation of political authority" (240)Ember, Melvin - The relationship between economic and political development in nonindustrial..., 1963 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates the role of economic development in facilitating political development in preindustrial societies, theorizing that the redistribution of resources is an important factor in this relationship. Results indicate that these two types of development have a curvilinear relationship, and the author concludes that economic development is a necessary but not sufficient cause of political development in preindustrial societies.

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