Found 1565 Hypotheses across 157 Pages (0.01 seconds)
  1. "Freedom of postpartum sexual activity is correlated with cultural elaboration" (1114)Bowden, Edgar - Indices of sociocultural development and cultural accumulation: an exponent..., 1969 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates a broad hypothesis that cultural traits diversify with sociocultural development. Results suggest that sociocultual development is associated with certain aspects of aesthetic and ritual culture, and that cultural elaboration may be correlated with some sexual norms and tendency toward cannibalism, human sacrifice, and slavery.

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  2. "The aggression implicit in cannibalism, human sacrifice, sacrificial grave escort, and slavery are also associated with cultural elaboration" (1114)Bowden, Edgar - Indices of sociocultural development and cultural accumulation: an exponent..., 1969 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates a broad hypothesis that cultural traits diversify with sociocultural development. Results suggest that sociocultual development is associated with certain aspects of aesthetic and ritual culture, and that cultural elaboration may be correlated with some sexual norms and tendency toward cannibalism, human sacrifice, and slavery.

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  3. "Distinctions in mortuary ritual . . . [vary with] expected criteria employed for status differentiation among societies arranged on a scale from simple to complex" (18, 19)Binford, Lewis R. - Mortuary practices: their study and their potential, 1971 - 6 Variables

    A literature review of burial customs and their related assumptions and data orientations is presented. A cross-cultural study suggests there are associations between measures of mortuary ritual variety and societal structural complexity.

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  4. Of 7 measured inducements to attend final ceremonies, only 2 are associated with attendance: holding ceremonies for more than one death at a time and sex liberties at final ceremonies. Both correlations are based on a small number of cases (95)Rosenblatt, Paul C. - Grief and mourning in cross-cultural perspective, 1976 - 7 Variables

    This book investigates individual and group responses to death and the problems that death can create in a society. Several hypotheses regarding grief and mourning, as well as their variation with other societal variables, are supported with cross-cultural tests.

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  5. "In societies with final funeral ceremonies, grief after the end of mourning is less likely to occur, the heavier the attendance at the final ceremony" (94)Rosenblatt, Paul C. - Grief and mourning in cross-cultural perspective, 1976 - 2 Variables

    This book investigates individual and group responses to death and the problems that death can create in a society. Several hypotheses regarding grief and mourning, as well as their variation with other societal variables, are supported with cross-cultural tests.

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  6. Ash is used in human burial amongst Southwestern and Great Basin cultures.Adler, Michael A. - Fire, Ash, and Sanctuary: Pyrotechnology as Protection in the Precolonial No..., 2021 - 1 Variables

    This survey chapter discusses the use of ash and other fire-generated materials in Ancestral Pueblo settlements in the northern Rio Grande region. The author begins by surveying ethnographic reports of ash use among indigenous groups in the Southwest and Great Basin regions to understand the potential reasons for ash use in prehistoric contexts beyond just cooking. He then turns to archaeological data to explore the extensive use of fire, ash, and other pyrotechnic products across indigenous communities in the region, focusing on excavated architectural and mortuary contexts from the northern Rio Grande, especially the Taos and Picuris areas. The author argues that these fire-related actions and products show that ash plays two major roles -- it is used as a part of major transition ceremonies and as an instrument for healing. The author concludes that these ethnographic observations inform and illuminate archaeological contexts that contain ash, charcoal, and fire.

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  7. "Community pattern (archaeologically defined) . . . can help predict [these] sociocultural traits: communal or private real estate, shared or hoarded goods, property at death destroyed or inherited, craftsmen, extent of trade, taxes, coercive power, kin-based community or larger, law, political hierarchy, army, religion or magic, ethical supernatural, complex supernatural, spirits or gods, shamans or priests, religious hierarchy, individual or common ritual, group ceremony frequency, simple or elaborate funerals" (197-200)McNett, Charles W., Jr. - A cross-cultural method for predicting nonmaterial traits in archeology, 1970 - 21 Variables

    "This paper presents an exploratory attempt to solve the problem of how to infer traits for which no direct material evidence remains." The author suggests that the archeologically defined community pattern can predict several sociocultural traits. Results support this hypothesis.

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  8. Societies with predominantly circular houses will prefer curved lines in art. Societies with predominantly rectangular houses will prefer straight lines in art (745-746).Robbins, Michael C. - Material Culture and Cognition, 1966 - 2 Variables

    This paper tests for a correlation between primary house shapes and preferences for curved or straight lines in art.

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  9. Mothers rearing children are unlikely to live in nuclear, neolocal households (173).Weisner, Thomas S. - My brother's keeper: child and sibling caretaking [and comments and reply], 1977 - 3 Variables

    This study discusses childcare done by children. While no empirical hypotheses are tested, the authors identify some potential sociocultural and developmental correlates of childcare by children and provide relevant descriptive statistics. Possible correlates include mother-child relationships, conceptions and emergence of childhood stages, organization of play groups, development of social responsibility, sex differences, personality development, cognitive style and cognitive development, motivation and learning.

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  10. ". . . that an abstract preference for curvilinearity or rectilinearity may be manifested both in dwelling shape and in decorative art" (128)Whiting, John W.M. - Inferences from the shape of dwellings, 1968 - 3 Variables

    This study examines several correlates of the shape of floor plans of dwellings. Authors find that "whether a culture is settled or nomadic, the form of its family and the presence or absence of status distinctions are related to its house type, and the house types can in turn be inferred from the floor plan." Curvilinear houses are associated with polygyny and nomadism and rectilinear houses are associated with sedentarism, extended families, and status distinctions.

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