Found 4368 Hypotheses across 437 Pages (0.008 seconds)
  1. "Among societies practicing matrilocal residence if there is local exogamy, authority must be an achieved status; if there is matrilineal succession of authority, the community must tend to endogamy" (858)Kloos, Peter - Marital residence and local endogamy: environmental knowledge or leadership, 1963 - 2 Variables

    This article reviews interpretations of an established relationship between matrilocal residence, sedentarism, and local endogamy. The author offers an interpretation focused on succession of leadership in matrilocal societies: exogamy will be associated with achieved status while endogamy will be associated with a matrilineal succession of authority.

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  2. Matriliny is associated with the prior presence of matrilocality.Surowiec, Alexandra - A worldwide view of matriliny: using cross-cultural analyses to shed light o..., 2019 - 2 Variables

    The study is about matrilineal systems, where descent is traced along female lines. Matrilineal systems are relatively rare in human populations, and previous research has discussed the rarity and apparent instability of matriliny. The study aims to study the evolution of descent systems on a worldwide scale. The study tests for significant associations between matriliny and numerous cultural traits that have been theoretically associated with its stability or loss, such as subsistence strategy, animal domestication, mating system, residence pattern, wealth transfer, and property succession. Additionally, by combining genetic and linguistic information to build a global supertree that includes 16 matrilineal populations, the study also performs phylogenetically controlled analyses to assess the patterns of correlated evolution between descent and other traits.

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  3. "Matrilineal descent is almost invariably found in association with either avunculocal or matrilocal residence, patrilocal residence accompanies patrilineal, ambilineal and double descent, whereas bilateral descent coexists freely with all except avunculocal rule" (273-274)Murdock, George Peter - Settlement patterns and community organization: cross-cultural codes 3, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates residence, descent rules, and family structure. Empirical analysis suggests that they are associated with settlement patterns, particularly economic and demographic variables.

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  4. In societies with low permissiveness, child participation in adult activities is negatively associated with sedentary residence (359)Barry III, Herbert - Cultural influences on childhood participation in adult activities, 1996 - 3 Variables

    This article uses ethnographic reports on a world wide sample of societies for rating frequency of participation by children in adult activities and degree of permissive treatment of children.

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  5. Matriliny/matrilocality is associated with the matrilineal inheritance of property.Surowiec, Alexandra - A worldwide view of matriliny: using cross-cultural analyses to shed light o..., 2019 - 3 Variables

    The study is about matrilineal systems, where descent is traced along female lines. Matrilineal systems are relatively rare in human populations, and previous research has discussed the rarity and apparent instability of matriliny. The study aims to study the evolution of descent systems on a worldwide scale. The study tests for significant associations between matriliny and numerous cultural traits that have been theoretically associated with its stability or loss, such as subsistence strategy, animal domestication, mating system, residence pattern, wealth transfer, and property succession. Additionally, by combining genetic and linguistic information to build a global supertree that includes 16 matrilineal populations, the study also performs phylogenetically controlled analyses to assess the patterns of correlated evolution between descent and other traits.

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  6. "Tylor advanced the plausible hypothesis that mother-in-law avoidance should be highly correlated with matrilocal residence" (366)Murdock, George Peter - Cross-sex patterns of kin behavior, 1971 - 2 Variables

    This study re-examines patterns of cross-sex kin relationships using new ethnographic data. The author looks specifically at cross-sex kin relationship in relation to marriage rules.

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  7. "Societies with gathering, hunting, and pastoral economies tend to be nomadic or seminomadic [while societies with fishing, horticulture and agriculture economies tend to be semisedentary or sedentary]" (144)Murdock, George Peter - Correlations of exploitative and settlement patterns, 1969 - 2 Variables

    This study examines relationships between subsistence type, population size, and sedentarism. Hunting, gathering, fishing, and herding societies tend to be smaller than horticultural and agricultural societies. Horticulture, agriculture, and fishing societies tend to be more sedentary.

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  8. "Matrilocal and avunculocal residence tend to be associated with kinship terminology of the bifurcate merging type" (149)Murdock, George Peter - Social structure, 1949 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive analysis of many aspects of social structure including family, clan, community, kinship terminology, social organization, regulation of sex, incest taboos, and sexual choice.

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  9. Findings: A factor analysis of key dimensions to describe a given culture yielded 12 factors. Factor 5, "matrilineal kin groups", loaded highly and positively on Crow-type cousin terminology; kin group matrilineal; community segmented on a clan basis; matrilocal marital residence; cousin marriage unilateral; codified laws present. Factor 5 loaded highly and negatively on kin groups patrilineal or double descent; marital residence patrilocal (59)Stewart, Robert A. C. - Cultural dimensions: a factor analysis of textor's a cross-cultural summary, 1972 - 9 Variables

    This article uses factor analysis to identify the key variables underlying the many cross-cultural associations reported by Textor (1967). Twelve factors are identified.

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  10. Matrilocal residence is positively associated with the introduction of new trade relations with a world-system (101, 105-6).Peregrine, Peter N. - Trade and matrilineality: a hypothesis based on world-systems theory, 1994 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates whether trade with a world-system influences descent and residence rules in non-state societies. Data suggest that involvement in the capitalist world economy is associated with matrilineal forms of descent and residence, likely because men will be encouraged to leave their communities to participate in trade labor.

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