Found 3314 Hypotheses across 332 Pages (0.042 seconds)
  1. "Although food production as well as food gathering occurs in classless societies, social stratification rarely occurs without food production" (1114)Spiro, Melford E. - A typology of social structure and the patterning of social institutions: a..., 1965 - 2 Variables

    This article attempts to construct an empirically-based typology of social structure. Marital structure, government, food production, and stratification are among the factors considered.

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  2. "Although stratification as well as classlessness occur with minimum government, maximum government rarely occurs in the absence of social stratification" (1114)Spiro, Melford E. - A typology of social structure and the patterning of social institutions: a..., 1965 - 2 Variables

    This article attempts to construct an empirically-based typology of social structure. Marital structure, government, food production, and stratification are among the factors considered.

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  3. Spiro stated that food production and social stratification jointly comprise a necessary condition for maximum government. Although there is a significant relationship between the three variables (economics, government and stratification), no statement about necessary conditions can be made (1465, 1466)Chaney, Richard P. - Typology and patterning: Spiro's sample re-examined, 1966 - 3 Variables

    This article suggests that Spiro's (1965) study on typology of social structure used a biased cross-cultural sample and possibly obscured regional patterns in data. Hypotheses related to marital structure, descent rules, food production and social stratification are tested.

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  4. "Monogamy occurs primarily in a kinship-domestic configuration characterized by bilateral [descent]-independent [family]-small [household]" (1112)Spiro, Melford E. - A typology of social structure and the patterning of social institutions: a..., 1965 - 2 Variables

    This article attempts to construct an empirically-based typology of social structure. Marital structure, government, food production, and stratification are among the factors considered.

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  5. "There is a significant relationship between [the variables food production and social stratification and between food gathering and classlessness] but no statement about necessary conditions can be made" (1465)Chaney, Richard P. - Typology and patterning: Spiro's sample re-examined, 1966 - 2 Variables

    This article suggests that Spiro's (1965) study on typology of social structure used a biased cross-cultural sample and possibly obscured regional patterns in data. Hypotheses related to marital structure, descent rules, food production and social stratification are tested.

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  6. "Food production and social stratification do not, jointly, constitute a sufficient condition for the existence of monogamy" (1463)Chaney, Richard P. - Typology and patterning: Spiro's sample re-examined, 1966 - 3 Variables

    This article suggests that Spiro's (1965) study on typology of social structure used a biased cross-cultural sample and possibly obscured regional patterns in data. Hypotheses related to marital structure, descent rules, food production and social stratification are tested.

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  7. "[There is a] decline in the proportion of cases of 'government slight or nil' and a rise in the proportion of cases where 'tribal government' is found as we ascend the economic grades" (52)Hobhouse, L. T. - The material culture and social institutions of the simpler peoples: an ess..., 1915 - 2 Variables

    An early cross-cultural study that sought to establish correlations between "stages" of economic culture and a variety of different social and political institutions, such as form of government and justice, marriage and kinship, and behaviors during warfare.

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  8. "We have then clear evidence of an advance in organised government accompanying economic development"(51)Hobhouse, L. T. - The material culture and social institutions of the simpler peoples: an ess..., 1915 - 2 Variables

    An early cross-cultural study that sought to establish correlations between "stages" of economic culture and a variety of different social and political institutions, such as form of government and justice, marriage and kinship, and behaviors during warfare.

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  9. "The greater the initial satisfaction of the oral drive the greater the degree to which supernatural nurturance is contingent upon the employment of compulsive ritual" (200)Spiro, Melford E. - A cross-cultural study of some supernatural beliefs, 1967 - 3 Variables

    This article examines the relationship between child training and supernatural beliefs. The authors develop a schema delineating the role of the supernatural in nurturance and punishment; ten hypotheses associating the role of the supernatural with various child training practices are tested. Several are confirmed.

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  10. "When technology, as measured by subsistence economy is held constant . . . [and we] cross tabulate familial complexity with . . . size of community . . . [and with] political complexity, gammas are significantly positive for low levels of technology and nonsignificant for higher levels" (909)Blumberg, Rae Lesser - Societal complexity and familial complexity: evidence for the curvilinear h..., 1972 - 4 Variables

    This study investigates the relationship between societal complexity and familial complexity. Results suggest that the relationship is somewhat curvilinear; that is, in simpler societies more societal complexity is associated with a larger familial system, but the most developed societies have smaller familial systems. The demographic, economic, and politcal correlates of maximum family size are discussed.

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