Form Of Marriage

Associated Documents (5)

Associated Hypotheses (8)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Ayres, Barbara"Although bride theft is somewhat more likely to occur in societies with general polygyny than in societies with limited polygyny or monogamy, the majority (63 percent) of societies with general polygyny do not have bride theft" (241)
Heath, Dwight B."Sexual differentiation in subsistence production may be reflected in the normal form of marriage. . . . We hypothesize that polyandry would tend to be the norm where woman's contribution is minimal; polygyny where it is considerable" (79)
Ayres, Barbara"A long sex taboo [during pregnancy] does in fact occur more frequently in polygynous than in monogamous societies" (121)
Ayres, Barbara"[There is] no relationship between punishment for sexual behavior and length of sex taboo in societies with monogamy and limited polygyny, but it does show a rather strong positive relationship between the two variables in societies with general polygyny" (121)
Fischer, J. L. ". . . there would be more curved [and complex] designs in polygynous societies and more straight-line designs in monogamous societies" (86)
Henrich, JosephMonogamous marriage reduces the intensity of intrasexual competition (660)
Henrich, JosephNormative monogamy reduces crime (662)
Henrich, JosephNormative monogamy increases gross domestic product per capita (664)

Associated OCMs

  1. polygamy