Subsistence Activities

Associated Documents (2)

Main AuthorPublished YearTitle
De Leeuwe, J.Society system and sexual life
Young, Frank W.Initiation ceremonies: a cross-cultural study of status dramatization

Associated Hypotheses (7)

Main AuthorHypothesis
De Leeuwe, J.Societies with less developed subsistence activities (hunting, fishing, or a combination of both) have no significant stratification among freemen and no slavery proportionally more often (4)
De Leeuwe, J.Stratification and slavery occur more often in societies where cereal grains, animal husbandry and agriculture are important than in societies where they are not (6)
De Leeuwe, J."[Societies where productive forces are above the lowest level but with internal oppression absent] will allow sexual activity of children more often . . ." (14)
De Leeuwe, J."[Societies where productive forces are above the lowest level but with internal oppression absent] approve of extramarital heterosexual freedom for both sexes more often . . ." (17)
De Leeuwe, J."[Societies with productive forces above the lowest level and internal oppression absent] accept female extramarital heterosexual intercourse and reject male extramarital heterosexual intercourse more often and/or accept male . . . intercourse and . . . reject female intercourse less often" (17)
De Leeuwe, J.Societies with higher subsistence level and slavery absent will achieve a higher score for moral acceptance of sexual freedom proportionally more often (19)
Young, Frank W."Those subsistence tasks in which all or almost all the men participated operated as alternative forms of solidarity" (69)

Associated OCMs

  1. food quest
  2. production and supply