Women's Status

Associated Documents (2)

Associated Hypotheses (10)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Whyte, Martin KingLarge extended family households will be negatively associated with women's status; Nuclear family households will be positively associated with women's status (35)
Whyte, Martin KingPresence of complex political hierarchies will be negatively associated with women's status (36)
Whyte, Martin KingPrivate property rights in the means of production will be negatively associated with women's status (37)
Whyte, Martin KingClassical religions will be negatively associated with women's status (41)
Whyte, Martin KingWomen's control of property will be positively associated with women's status (45)
Whyte, Martin KingCultures where women organize for economic activities will be positively associated with women's status (45)
Whyte, Martin KingWomen's contribution to subsistence will be positively associated with women's status (45)
Whyte, Martin KingWomen's contribution to subsistence will be negatively associated with women's status (46)
Whyte, Martin KingWomen's control over the fruits of productive labor will be positively associated with women's status (46)
Johnson, Mary A.Women's status will be negatively associated with the appearance in folklore of animals accorded male status and characteristics of ingelligence, authority and strength (175)

Associated OCMs

  1. gender status
  2. gender roles and issues