Environmental productivity

Associated Documents (5)

Associated Hypotheses (8)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Allen, Mark W.Rates of lethal aggression (sharp force trauma, SFT) covary negatively with environmental productivity (12120).
Kavanaugh, PatrickEnvironmental productivity will be positively associated with land ownership
Gavin, Michael C. Animal husbandry will be more likely to be a dominant subsistence strategy in regions with less productive environments (8)
Gavin, Michael C. Degree of environmental productivity will be related to the likelihood of plant-based agriculture versus foraging (8)
Gavin, Michael C. Food production focused on plant-based agriculture should be more likely in more environmentally productive locations (7)
Gavin, Michael C. Low levels of environmental stability will predict the adoption of animal husbandry compared with foraging (8)
Haynie, Hannah J.Environmental conditions will be associated with the development of social inequality.
Kavanagh, Patrick H.A variety of ecological, economic, and anthropological factors will predict the prevalence of land ownership.

Associated OCMs

  1. geography
  2. climate
  3. soil
  4. land use
  5. production and supply