Sex ratio at birth

Associated Documents (3)

Associated Hypotheses (10)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Barber, NigelThe sex ratio at birth will decline with polygyny.
Barber, NigelThe secondary sex ratio will decline as total fertility increases.
Barber, NigelThe sex ratio should be higher in countries where contraception is widely practiced.
Mace, RuthSex ratio at birth will be negatively correlated with total fertility rate.
Mace, RuthSex ratio at birth will be negatively correlated with maternal mortality ratio.
Mace, RuthSex ratio at birth will be positively correlated with sex ratio of children between 0 and 14 years old.
Mace, RuthSex ratio at birth will be positively correlated with sex ratio in adults between 15 and 65 years old.
Mace, RuthSex ratio at birth will be negatively correlated with the mortality rate of those under 1 year of age.
Mace, RuthSex ratio at birth will be positively correlated with the presence of brideprice.
Mace, RuthSex ratio at birth will be negatively correlated with the presence of dowry.

Associated OCMs

  1. birth statistics